EDUC 6163
When looking at
research studies it is important to look at professional outlooks on a global
scale. This helps to see the bigger picture of discoveries that can be made
possible in furthering fields such as Early Childhood. When we look at research
on a global scale we find that there are MANY efforts leading toward helping
contributions to child learning and developments.
This week I
wanted to look at an empowering organization that seems to be supporting Early Childhood
research and this exploration has led me to the website, “Early Childhood
Australia: A Voice for Young Children” (n.d.). Looking down under, I wanted to
focus on what current research studies were entertaining scientists and
educators in regions such as Australia. “CRIKEY!” This is what I found….
The website,
“Early Childhood Australia: A Voice for Young Children” (n.d.) is a resource
that advocates importance of schooling, health, ambitions, insights, and
support that look over parent expectations, education, policies, and child
welfare (Early Childhood, n.d.). This particular resource contributes to
research such as observing child behaviors and health. In their findings, they
have addressed research in psychological aspects and health, to list a few...
Young children who
demonstrate fear of separation from a caregiver or fear in unfamiliar settings
are known to have what is known as separation anxiety. Due to research,
children who suffer from separation anxiety are likely to have social and
emotional discomfort toward learning and development. But, with the help of
educators and easing transition for young children, separation anxiety can
wither away (Early Childhood, n.d.). Another research study I find interesting
is childhood nutrition. This research suggests that children who benefit good
nutrition are more likely to engage and make good decisions. Children who have
poor nutrition are less motivated, struggle to concentrate, and development is
not as sufficient (Early Childhood, n.d.). With good nutrition, children
benefit from learning and development and they become their own leaders!
With the help
and advances from research studies production in the field of Early Childhood
Education offers hopes and many benefits toward child learning and development.
Research gives scientists and educators ability to support and help children aspire and looks over welfare. This is not just a trend happening locally but it
is happening globally which I find insightful. Knowing ALL children are looked
at and supported is noteworthy.
Also, finding
international organizations such as Early Childhood Australia: A Voice for
Young Children (n.d.) who advocates development and health in research studies
is insightful because I realize the field of Early Childhood Education is
leading the way near and afar. We just have to see the prodigies on a global
WEBSITE http://www.earlychildhoodaustralia.org.au FOR MORE INSIGHTS
Works Cited
Early Childhood Australia, (n.d.). Early Childhood Australia: A Voice for Young Children. Retrieved
from http://www.earlychildhoodaustralia.org.au