Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Image result for thank you from children

As students and educators, we all start from somewhere; different stories, different backgrounds, and different experiences. But, the one commonality that we share as we learn and explore childhood development is our passion for children. Without passion we have no aim.
Through passion we become inspired to teach, collaborate, and motivate not only the growth of children but also colleagues as well. During this course, I have shared my concerns of issues such as deprivation and personal childhood experiences (being that mine was not so perfect). I was able to share my own learning because passion derived from the acceptance I received and the insights that were shared through my colleagues. I would not have as much passion as I do now toward childhood development if it were not for our commonality of passion.
With that said, I want to take this time to thank each of my colleagues for the support and feedback that I got throughout this course. I have gained a greater perspective of different backgrounds and experiences as well as help in order to feed my passion and learning. Without passion, childhood development studies and education could not exist and I am grateful to share and take a part of it.
As the video above expresses, sometimes we have to take time to thank others for the work and dedication they put toward children and this blog is dedicated to you.

-Cassandra Richards


  1. Hi Cassie Lynn,
    You have provided great pics and reflective comments throughout this course. Thank you for your contribution!

    1. Thank you Ruth! I think it is important to be visual and creative in order to draw attention. I am relieved it showed.
      Cassandra Richards

  2. I am glad I could give some insights. It was a journey! Good luck to you!
    Cassandra Richards

  3. Cassandra!! Thanks for always putting an extra touch of sharing an experience in your blog! I always looked forward to what you will write about. It's very true that to be visual and creative will draw attention. It makes you want to read a blog, look at the pictures and be very interested. You did a fantastic job! Hope to learn more from you in future classes♡

  4. Hi Cassandra!
    Thanks for all of your kind comments on my blog throughout this term and the best of luck to you as we progress. Thank you also for this video. I attended a training yesterday with our teaching staff. The end of the school year fatigue has set in! We all need some inspirational words to get us through the next few weeks.

  5. Hi Cassandra,

    I have enjoyed being in class with you and always learned something from your writing. Each week I would look forward to seeing your view on a topic. Your blog is awesome, you should continue with it even after the program is complete. Take care and best of luck. I hope we meet again!

  6. Thank you Cassie, throughout this course you have provided me with a wealth of information on your blog. Much of the information I will use while obtaining my degree at Walden University. Your video was very informative and inspirational. I wish you the best of luck.
