Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Family Involvement, Freedom of Expression, and Teamwork

Why my mother is important to me: She is involved.
Relationships are important –no doubt. Having commonality, good company, and casual conversations boost one’s self and spirit. Having a positive relationship produces the motivation and urge to complete tasks and do well –gives desire to reach a goal. Having a relationship like the relationship I have with my mother I have found that because of her care and love for me family involvement is essential. I am able to dream big and worry less with her around. Her support aspires me and I believe this is why my relationship with my mother is so important.

Image result for quotes about mom


Freedom of Expression: My twin and I are the Same
Relationships involve likes and dislikes, trust, and friendship. I find the freedom to express myself and be myself around my twin sister, Amber. She allows me to rant and rave, laugh and cry, and most importantly, she feels what I feel. Our relationship started waaaaay before birth and I believe my relationship with my twin sister is important because she gets me.

 Image result for i love my twin sister

        Amber (Left)  Me (Right)

Why my Dog is my Best Friend: Holly and I make a Great Team

Relationships come in various forms. A relationship inspires when there is mutual feeling, when there is understanding, and when there is PATIENCE. My dog Holly is my best friend. She is, in fact, the furriest friend I have and the most challenging relationship I can think of. She was love at first sight. When I say relationships come in various forms, not all relationships acquire human to human, after all, a dog is a man’s best friend. After adopting Holly I decided teamwork was essential in order for our relationship to work. Teamwork meaning walk with me, not against me for example. My relationship with my dog Holly is having patience and teamwork.

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The Positives of Relationships in My Experience
·        Family involvement
·        Freedom of Expression
·        Teamwork + Patience

Family involvement is core to my family’s principles. Everything I did as a child, everything I decide, and where I may have wandered growing up my mother was involved. She encouraged education and to be fearless. She taught me to take chances and learn from mistakes. According to research, children who have family involvement are most likely to succeed. This entices self-confidence and regulation, creative thinking and affection onto others. Involvement also helps children develop and learn academically (Souto-Manning, 2010). My mother homeschooled me when I was young and has taught me life’s biggest lessons. If not for my mother I would have no aspirations career wise.

What I find positive, other than seeing involvement, is freedom. Freedom to speak and freedom to be yourself. This positive factor makes relationship easy to oblige by. My twin sister, Amber has allowed me the ability to express myself which has taught me to be socially in tune and accept others at the same time being myself.

Lastly, a factor that I have learned crucial to relationships is teamwork. Without teamwork, a relationship is simply not there. “I scratch your back, you scratch mine” is the old saying. But with teamwork there has to be patience. Taking care and training my dog, my best friend, I have gained a lot of patience building relationship which, in the end, involves teamwork.

Uh-Oh: The challenges of Relationships
Without family involvement, the freedom to express one’s self, or maintaining teamwork and patience there is no inspiration to a relationship. In my experience, if my mother was NOT involved in my social and academic careers I would be a different person- I would not have a positive relationship with her.
If I was unable to be myself around my twin sister Amber having to act and behave under conformity and pressure I would not have an open and honest relationship with her or anyone I associate with. Research suggests that lack of being one’s self symptoms such anxiety, self-consciousness, and worried tensions influence depression and possible isolation (Beilock, 2012). Sincerely, it is important to be yourself.
Even though Holly is my dog, she is my best friend. Four legs or not, teamwork is essential in order to succeed relationship and patience. Without teamwork frustration, anger, and even loneliness will invade and trust will dwindle which is not good for anyone.

Special Characteristics of Positive Relationships



In My Experience
In my experience, relationships are taken to the heart. Being raised by an involved mother, always having a close friend like my twin sister Amber, and finding different sorts of relationships as the one I have found with my dog Holly, I can honestly say that as a professional in the child care field I learned that helping those in need, providing nurture, attention, and patience I am in the right field. Teaching children as my mother has taught me and accepting others without judgment I am able to benefit child development and learning. Thanks to the positive relationships I have gained in my lifetime, I am excited to recognize relationships are the foundation to success and our success onto others.

Works Cited
Beilock, S. (2012, September 19). The Power of Expressing Yourself. Retrieved from Psychology Today:

Souto-Manning, M. (2010). Family Involvement: Challenges to Consider, Strengths to Build on. Young Children, 65(2), 82-88. Retrieved from Walden Database


  1. I enjoyed reading your Blog and loved all your pictures. Especially the write up about your mom. You guys look like you all have a real close relationship. One thing about having the pictures is one day down the line you can look back and take a glimpse into your world. I do think that trust, communication, and honesty builds relationships.

    1. My mom and I are really close. It is rough living in different states but we talk every day all day. I look at pictures all the time and keep photo albums (I know, who does that anymore?) so I can flip through them when I start missing everyone. If a relationship has the right values and the right meaning the bond is greater and for my mom and I, I'm lucky there is nothing greater than that bond.

  2. Hello Cassandra,
    I enjoyed reading your blog. The layout is terrific. You seem to have developed a beautiful relationship with your family and your friends. I think it is so neat that you are a twin. When I was pregnant with my first child I was hoping to have twins. God knew what he was doing :-) I couldn't handle 2 at the same time. I loved reading about the relationship that you have with your mother. She seemed to have been a very great teacher. I like your take on freedom, this is so important to everyone. One of the characteristics that you listed under Special Characteristics of Positive Relationships, is teamwork I find that to be the core of all that we do.
    Great blog.

    1. I do not know how my mom was able to manage two kids and THEN twins all under 3 years old but she did it! She has been so strong and creative. I hate to admit it but I act so much like her it's scary!! What she has taught me I have take to heart.
      And with my twin, it is pretty cool having a twin. We can't read each others minds but we do think alike and we do sense each others vibes. She lives far away but we still have that twin sensy feel and the power of expression is what makes our relationship effective and so well bonded.
      Thank you for the response.
