Monday, February 19, 2018

EDUC 6164
As an educator, it is my job to prepare my class that someone “different” is coming, but that “different” is good and fun! We will all learn from them as they learn from us!
Preparation is a focus on strengths in diversity and as my class sees me prepare I want to address what I am doing and address the benefits…. This is what I would do as an educator if I were receiving a new student from Paraguay…. (A country I know nothing about.)
1)    I want to prepare students to welcome the new student from Paraguay by introducing themselves.
2) I would dedicate time to Google, physical resources, books -anything that I can get my hands on about Paraguay so that I can get basic knowledge as a head start.
3) I would teach myself or use resources to learn basic linguistics so communication is not awkward and that my new student is able to tell me their needs. I would also teach my students what I know so they can learn to communicate as well.
4)                         I would decorate the classroom using visual aids such as posters, charts, and storybooks that represent both the American culture and South American culture. I would include games that are known in Paraguay and I would add fun learning activities that are relevant to Paraguay learnings.
5) I would want my students to become open to new cultural differences such as SNACK TIME where ethnic snacks are offered that we learn come from Paraguay.
6) Lastly, I would incorporate South American music and celebrations into a class lesson or unit so that students are exposed to new sounds, new dance, and traditions.

The benefits of having preparation and action of a new student include:
1)    Inclusion is essential!
2) Self-regulation helps self-esteem and behavioral effects toward learning and play with others
3) Preparation can help potential relationships with educator, students, and faculty.
4)                        Cultural continuity is more likely than cultural discontinuity when a new student such as my new student from Paraguay is given inclusion, visual aids, and celebrations to feel accepted for “differences”.
5) Preparation focuses on not just a dominant culture but multi cultures that help children and families find satisfied and cozy knowing educators, like myself, and my students are open to difference even in a learning environment.

The goal of preparation is to take the benefits, run with them and make sure ALL children are academically and emotionally ready for future success no matter where they come from.   


  1. I love the idea of music. I did not think of this either. I think music is a way to reach everyone. Although, we may have different likes and dislikes. It is a common thread that could integrate different concepts of culture into the classroom. When and how you think it is best to introduce music and how to teach them music has different backgrounds from different cultures? Should you have a study on music? Or is that too abstract?

    1. Hello Kaylla,
      I don’t think a study of music is necessary. I just think whatever you find is good enough whether it’s a lullaby, accoustic, sing-a-long. I would find something on YouTube just to make it happen. Music is a great source of interaction with children and what better way to celebrate and embrace a new culture then to listen and dance to its music!!
      Cassandra Richards

  2. Music is a great Idea!! It is a language that everyone speaks. I find that things like music and food bring people together. I mentioned food would be a good thing to share in my blog post because it would be a simple thing for families and children to bond over and learn about one another.

    1. Hello Colleen,
      Thank you for your response. Music and food are two things that bring people together among all cultures. Children love to move around and they love to snack. I think if we find what children love then any child from an unfamiliar culture is easy to accommodate if we just prepare ourselves and educate ourselves.
      Cassandra Richards

  3. Hello Christian,
    I was always taught treat others the way you want to be treated. I’ve been the new student and I have moved plenty of times to places that were different and the people were different. As an educator I want to put myself in my student’s shoes. I want to know what ways I can help them be comfortable and this is what I got. I AM READY!

  4. It is fascinating that you mention "snack" as one way to approach your kid from Paraguay. I would have not think about that. Now I have many imagination, how a kid will enjoy his/her time in the new classroom during snack time, how the kid sits together with new friends and eat their origin snack and even can talk about it. Thank you for mention it.
