Friday, September 8, 2017

EDUC 6162

Image result for expanding horizons

In the field of Early Childhood expanding horizons is imperative. Being a professional in a learning environment involves creative thinking, innovations, being responsive to children and families, and embracing collaboration from colleagues and other professionals so that learning and development are effective for future success. This is what professionals aim for.

By expanding horizons, professionals look at outside sources in order to gain knowledge and ideals such as creative thinking that helps effective learning. Researching and utilizing values from leading organizations proves beneficial in the field of Early Childhood. From a personal position, I have found organizations such as The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) as a helpful tool in order to familiarize and relate ideas and functionalities in a learning environment. It helps me know the purpose as to why learning and development are important to a child's well-being and future success. The NAEYC promotes values involving the importance of play being implemented in daily curriculums, embodies positive child behaviors toward learning and how to achieve them, as well as providing guidelines that professionals can utilize to ensure ethical and appropriate treatment and opportunities for children and families are met. Using NAEYC is a great source for aspiring educators and professionals. 

Image result for early childhood studies

Another organization that allows the expanding of horizons is Zero to Three. This organization values passion, collaboration, and respect which is what I find vital when working with children and families in a learning environment. Having passion is what makes a classroom harmonize, collaboration is what makes creative thinking and innovations most effective and productive, and respect for children and families who have different beliefs, preferences, and attitudes is what establishes effective partnerships. Zero to Three is a great source to turn to so that expanding horizons becomes achievable and educators can become more enlightened in the field of Early Childhood.

This week, I have acknowledged and become more aware of the different organizations that focus on early childhood learning and development as well as familiarizing myself with values that each leading organization strive for. THERE ARE SO MANY!

As I expand my own horizons, I found out what podcast was realizing that this is another great way to accumulate sources so that my ability to teach remains effective. Listening to Michael Kalinski, host of World Forum Radio, I have learned that this source is great because you are not just reading an article but you are listening to passion and dedication out loud. Michael Kalinski explains that World Forum Radio seeks to collaborate on an international scale discussing issues around the world relative to Early Childhood studies. When considering expanding horizons, sometimes it is better to listen to other professionals in a different way in order to remain aware of not only what is happening close to us but what is also happening globally.

Image result for early childhood diversity

1. Given higher awareness of purpose in ECS
2. Collaboration of others gaining different angles and insights for childhood learning and development
3. Utilizing own professional attitude such as being communicative, creative, and responsive learning from leading organizations.

Works cited
The National Association for the Education of Young Children. Retrieved from

World Forum Foundation Radio. Retrieved from

Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families. Retrieved from


  1. I enjoyed reading your Blog. Since I have started pursuing my masters I have learned quite a bit of information about the National Association for the Education of young children. (NAEYC) and you are so right using NAEYC is a great source for aspiring educators and professionals. I look forward to reading more of your post. Zero to Three is also a great organization they assist many children around the world. I also looked into them and joined their mailing list.

  2. Continuing courses we tend to stick to resources that we find ourselves attached to. NAEYC has helped me a lot and I find myself using it for insights. Zero to Three is fairly new to me and I tend to use this too!
    Thank you for the feedback!
    C. Richards

  3. Hello Cassandra,
    I enjoyed reading your blog. I have also found in the past that the NAEYC offered a great deal of information. I am happy that you were able to access the website I tried but was not successful. I too am looking forward to your post as the 2 resources that you have chosen seem to be quite interesting. I wish I was able to access those podcast because they seem to contain some very interesting information which I am sure would have been of great benefit to me.

  4. Hello Cassandra, I agree with you that NAEYC has such a wealth of information. I chose NAEYC to expand my resources, specifically the Practitioners Voice. I am well not familiar with Zero to Three and your post made me wonder about their resources and incentive. It also seems like a great tool for parents.

  5. It is a great tool for parents. It gives great insight in parenting, things to look for, be aware of, and also provides the education that additionally helps with understanding and coping with child development and behaviors.

  6. Cassandra,
    Thank you for your blog post which is inspiring and informative provided for all educators. Do agree that NAEYC is an excellent organization with tons of resources for all children, families, and communities. I remember when working in head start, our site had to prepare for NAEYC accreditation and took us step by step to make sure everything was developmentally appropriate.

  7. Cassandra,
    I really enjoyed reading your blog. I love the way you brought out the Zero to Three values and elements that promote wellness and education to young children and their families. The organization helps the children and their families as well as the educators. It helps us a educators stay up to date with the ever changing information and elements about early childhood educators. I really enjoyed your blog.
