Saturday, October 14, 2017

Expanding More: Sharing Web Resources
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The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the World Forum which hosts podcasts, and other early childhood organizations that I have mentioned in past Blogs have helped expand new horizons and new behavior toward the field of Early Childhood Education for me. I have gotten the chance to explore some pretty awesome organizations that do so much for children and families and the act of dedication and kindness, passion, and even struggle is a real attention grabber. As an aspiring educator, I have come to realize that I have to continue my pace in the sharing of resources and I was allowed this week to find yet another resource that I have never heard of that I wanted to share.
An Outsider- An outside resource I have found is the Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI). This organization leads to advocacy of children through knowledge, professionalism, and creativity on a global scale. Collaboration promotes optimal education for young children onto adolescence which I find rather exceptional and worthy to share. ACEI is working to create a social change toward learning and development universally.

Image result for acei child education

I Found It!- I found that in order for children around the world to receive the education deserved, it has become the ACEI’s highest priority. 35% of children are out of school worldwide because there is a lack of awareness, resources, and access. War and terror conflict opportunity for education when families are struggling to ensure education for their children. That is heartbreaking… 90% of children worldwide who are disabled are left without the proper equipment and attention needed in a classroom setting so they miss learning opportunity and development. The ACEI commits to global interactions to make sure all children have opportunity to education even in areas of war or lack or equipment. Organizations provide the support! This is something worth finding out!
Equity is Excellence- the Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) broadens a deeper understanding to me the importance of early childhood education and the need for continuous support, expansion, and funds to reach children of all areas around the world deprived of education. By commitment and advocacy, ACEI shows equity by demonstrating the importance of child care and education and that every child deserves equal opportunity. By this demonstration, excellence is showcased.
Image result for happy children

Insightful- NEVER STOP SHARING RESOURCES. NEVER STOP LOOKING AT RESOURCES. New information is available every day to those that are inspired of children and the support they need for child learning and development. Organizations like the ACEI are built to support and care for children all over the world which I find insightful. Teams are planning, supporting, improvising, and dedicating personal time and passion everywhere. I can only honor the resources I share and dedicate my own time as I aspire in the field of Early Childhood Education and aspire to take part.

Works cited
Association for Childhood Education International (n.d.). Retrieved from:


  1. Cassie,
    Wow do agree so many organizations that focused on the awareness of early childhood. Thank you for even introducing outside organizations such as Association for Childhood Education International.In your last paragraph "never stop sharing resources. never stop looking for resources which is a srong and true statement for us as educators to collaborate, grow, help produce successful learners of our future.

    1. Hello Scandi,
      Thank you for the feedback. It is important to keeping searching even as professionals. I like to share international resources because outside my box children are struggling just for the attention they need to survive. I look at my new class of students and I’m reminded that I need to share and continue to teach.

  2. Dear Cassandra, thank you for sharing this great resource ( ACEI)! I was not familiar with it and will definitely take a closer look.

    1. Your welcome! I was pretty excited to find this new resource that contributes so many insights and information. It’s worth taking a closer look!

  3. Cassandra,
    I really enjoyed your blog.I must say I have never heard about this organization. This organization works on the international level supporting the education for all children and their families. I really gained a lot of information from this resource and plan to refer to it for time to time.

    1. Hello LaShawn,
      Yes it does look at areas we often forget are in need for education. It does provide support for children, families, and educators which I find makes the field of ECE worth working for. Like I said, we have to keep searching resources because even though each organization has the same common goal that child education comes first, each resource has something new they want to advocate.

  4. ACEI seems like the perfect website to go along with our studies this week. We read about barriers and you mentioned many barriers that are going on in this world. We need to be more aware of our children not in school and you also mentioned that some children do not have the right equipment in their classroom to assist them. This website sounds like a great sharing resource to make others aware of the lack of effort some countries are putting in for education.
