Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Personal Childhood Web

My Grammy & Pap-

My grandparents, John and Judy Bechtel, have created a foundation of faith and support for me since I was a child. Both, my grammy and pap have shown me that love, prayer, and a bowl of ice cream brings only good outcome when fear seems overwhelmingly powerful as a child. They have taught me the value of family, respect for others, and the importance of protecting those who we love. My grammy and pap are my idol. The influence they had on me was positive as it remains positive to this present day. By showing me good faith, love, and value, their nurture to me as a child has helped me relinquish fear as a child and has made me become a family oriented person and an ice cream lover.

My favorite memory of my grandparents is playing hide-go-seek in pap's garden with my sisters and my cousins, pap teaching me how to paint a picture, and smelling my grammy's perfume before we left for church -hawaiian ginger I believe. 

My Mother-

My mother, Cathy Bechtel has recently taught me that life is a journey. I am not made to please others but to please myself. Pursuing my own dreams is my own ambition and I make my own journey. For my mind, body, and soul I can only make myself happy. This is one of many lessons my mother has taught me. From childhood my mother has guided me through challenging times being my philosopher, greatest supporter, and my best friend. My mother, Cathy Bechtel raised my sisters and I as a single mother but she never lost her own happiness. By nurture, my mother never forgot to kiss me good night, tell me she loved me, and made the worst experiences into great memories. My relationship with my mother is my most cherished one. Reminding me my journey is my own, I journey not alone because I am given love, support, and guidance as I carry on.

My mother dancing and singing to 80's music from when I was little to now is my favorite memory. She always tells me to dance when things are rough and she always sings out loud to songs on the radio with her hands in the air. This is a reminder to have fun and let whatever is bothering you GO! 


Mama Johnna-

Johnna Sherrill is my mother's BEST friend. My mother and Johnna have been friends for nearly 30 years and she has been a part of my life since day one. Johnna Sherrill is a second mother to me. As she has watched me grow over the years, she has taught me that life can not be taken seriously ALL the time. her heart is big and her laughter is contagious. My relationship with Johnna is as close as my mother's and I. She has nurtured me the same ways my mother has and I admire her dedication and love toward me and my mother. She is always there, near or far. To this day, Johnna remains a part of my life. I learned to laugh and have FUN. I had a mother to look up to when going to my own mother was difficult. Nothing has changed. I honor her.

My favorite memory of Johnna is when we took a road trip years back. Playing games, talking, spending time together... I appreciate those times.

Mama Johnna and me

Ann & Garland Willis-

Ann and Garland Willis provided a safe haven for me at a time in my childhood where my parents were separating and I was scared. Spending time at Ann and Garland's house created stability and security allowing myself to explore their lake in the back yard and its scenery. Garland taught me that in order to make a dollar you have to work for it (meaning to go get him a cup of coffee and I got a dollar). Ann encouraged education on me and independence. She was the first elderly woman in my life who showed me warmth, thoughtfulness, and friendship as she and Garland were also showing the same to my mother and my sisters.
Ann and Garland Willis are no longer alive but the memories of their home and the security I felt when I was a child is a legacy I hold close to my heart.

Garland teaching me how to canoe, fish, and untangle seaweed is my greatest memory. Campfires and golf cart rides to the mailbox are memories I think of and still laugh about...



  1. I think some of us have that problem a lot because I had to recently had to learn that I can't please everyone and trying to do that I end up hurting myself. By the way nice format and lovely pictures! I think I'm the only one in my family that likes to take pictures!

    1. I am so glad to know that I am not the only one out there facing problems. This lets me know I am human. Thank you for the comment.

  2. I love your blog post. Your quote about you are not here to please others but only yourself really spoke to me. I recently had to remind myself of that and it's good you have that mantra. Your mother did an amazing job about teaching you self-care and self-love because those are important and often forgotten as we transition into adulthood.

    Love your picture format!!!! I want mine like those too :)

    1. My mom is free spirited. She always finds a way to make an important point to me or anyone she encounters. Read the book Eat, Pray, Love and you will find peace with yourself and find that pleasing yourself starts with a goal, a quest for only yourself. Carry it around as a reminder. I got mine in my car.
      Thank you,
      Cassandra Richards

  3. Cassie,
    I enjoyed reading your post. Trying to please others is one of my struggles also in my life. But I've came to realize that its up to me do things that's best for me. It is a great feeling to have so many people in your life to be there for you in time of need.

    1. Hello Kendra,
      it is great to have so many people around to feel that security. The hard part is figuring out who is long lasting and who is just there.

  4. Your family seems to be a very strong support system. When you wrote about your grandparents it seems like they helped build a great foundation for your support system. I love that you included your mom's best friend. The fact that you consider her a second mother really speaks to how you view her and how she has helped you though out your life.

    1. Hello Shaina,
      most people say that teachers, best friends, and grandparents are great childhood influences. Sometimes we have to really acknowledge those that we really don't think of as influences when they truly are. Johnna was one of them. She was there but I didn't see her as an influence, just there...
      I'm not sure that made sense but as we get older we realize things we hadn't before.

  5. Hi Cassie,
    Your pictures tell a loving story without any words. Thank you for sharing. Having positive people in one's life early on sets the stage for confidence and success.
